Friday, February 15, 2008

Hunter Creek 2007

"I looked up, and there before me was a ram with two horns, and the horns were long"-Daniel 8:3

I'm not going to apologize. This blog is going to be sheep hunting heavy. It is after all about the fullcurl of life. I killed this ram last fall on a special lottery hunt I drew for the Chugach Mountains behind Anchorage. I've never been on a worse sheep hunt. The rain poured, the wind was fierce, the competition from other hunters intense, the rams were few and far between. I was cold, wet, tired and hungry for 13 days. My feet bled. I spent 5 days hauling that ram out of the mountains. It was miserable. And yet, these are the times when my heat is most full of joy. God made me for these mountains and for this pursuit. To steal a line from Chariots of Fire, when I'm sheep hunting I feel God's pleasure.

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