Monday, January 26, 2009


Despite being born in the spring, we're naming our soon arriving daughter Autumn. There's a lot more to a name than when you were born. Autumn has always been my favorite time of year. The layers of beauty in the fall are amazing. The fall has particularly been a season of God's favor in my life and I seem to hear His voice most clearly in the backdrop of his creation. We see this little one as a huge example of God's favor in our lives. Fall is also the time when the earth rests. Its done producing for the year and yet it is at its most glorious. This is symbolic to me of how we don't always have to be striving and producing something to have value. After all, we are human beings, not human doings. My prayer for Autumn is that she will grow up confident in God's (and our) love for her and know that He loves her simply because he created her and she exists. Too often people spend their lives trying to please or somehow earn that love.

Besides, it will be fall in the southern hemisphere.


Angie said...

"My prayer for Autumn...simply because he created her and she exists."


I shared it on the Ethnos forum. Asked everyone to pray for your fam in these final weeks. Can't wait to meet my baby niece.

Julie said...

Well written thoughts - nicely put.

Sally said...

I've been an eye witness of the southern hemisphere autumn. I assure you, it is breathtaking.

To be confident in God's love... I don't know that there could be a single greater knowledge in this life.