Sunday, September 18, 2011


Autumn got her first real 2-wheeler last week. We had been planning to get her a bike for Christmas this year but when this bike came available locally we couldn't resist. It's a Kazam balance bike. The idea is kids roll around on it using their feet to propel themselves and as they learn to balance they begin putting their feet up on a small platform and coasting around. It's the new training wheels. Supposedly they graduate from this right to a pedal bike. Autumn is having a great time and we already see tons of progress. She may wear an oval track around the couch though as I think the sunny day in the pics is the last we are going to see for a long time.


Scotty said...

Does she ever take it off any sweet jumps?

Fullcurl said...

Dynamite comment Scotty.

Sally said...

Shocks, pegs... lucky...

Can't wait to see more rads footage. Kazam indeed!