Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Deer Rut 2010

It's been a couple months since I've been hunting. The deer hunting around here really slows down around mid-September and then kicks back into gear in November when the bucks thoughts turn to love and they get a little less cautious. It's been a busy month for me with work so I just finally made it back into the woods this week. Monday and Tuesday's hunts brought no luck and little deer sign. The wind was howling this morning at 4 am but I headed out anyway and I'm glad I did. It's always been a goal to take a mature buck by sneaking up on one in the timber. Nearly all my success has been on hunts where I see the animal from a long ways away and make a good stalk. The deer always seem to have the upper hand when I'm just blindly sneaking around. Not this guy. I was doing my best ninja work when I spotted him in his bed at 30 yards totally unaware of my presence.

People ask me why bucks on POW have orange antlers. Here's why. This rub was made in the vicinity of this hunt. Perhaps the buck I killed made this one.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Girl with a Gun

I've been looking forward to this for a long time. Autumn's first shooting lesson. She really liked it and is looking forward to a hunting trip with Dad real soon.

Autumn's interest in deer make me pretty proud. She can also correctly identify caribou, sheep, moose, elk, bears and wolves (and I must say she is getting to be an expert wolf howler).

For Halloween Autumn was a bumblebee. Actually she liked the costume so much she was a bumblebee on Halloween and for several days leading up to it.

Autumn and I had a great time carving a pumpkin together.

I've got few more pictures up on flickr.