Friday, December 11, 2009

Flickr Update

There are new pictures of Autumn at Flickr. Here are some highlights:

We got the Christmas tree decorated and Autumn wanted to tell great-Grandma that this ornament is her favorite one. We then promptly moved all the lower level ornaments up.

I can see the baby fading and little girl emerging in this shot.

We caught up to Santa in the deli section of the grocery store.

Autumn has always been into books. She just doesn't have much use for the words yet. It's been all about eating them and/or removing them from the shelf.


mom said...

What happened to Grandma's baby girl? She is adorable and ever so happy. Can't wait to hold her. Thanks for the pixs!

Angie said...

Who is mom? Our mom or Amy's?

Angie said...

Adaya just said, "Autumn." She followed that with, "Silly, silly." I think she was refering to the baby pulling books off the shelf. She thinks it's "nice" that Autumn has a tree in her house too.

Fullcurl said...

That's our Mom.